Spring and new beginnings

No.7, April 25, 2015


Musings on  wellness  from  Donna  Simmons,  Feldenkrais ® Practitioner

Welcome to Spring, a time for new beginnings. And even though we are now officially “in drought” here in California there are many things we can be grateful for, including some things associated with the limitations imposed by the lack of rain.

We have a new relationship to these limitations; more of us are increasingly mindful of how and when we use water. Our gardens may look different with drought resistant plants some blooming succulents and hardy perennials, freesias and irises, cymbidiums, wisteria to name just a few, but we can learn the language of water conservation (a language some us remember from decades ago). And we can take our cues from the world around us. The wildflowers on Mount Tam may not be as abundant as in years past but there they are pushing up their heads to shine and delight. Trillium, calypso orchids, wild iris, and of course the blue and purple ichiums and forget me nots.

We can’t remove (or ignore) the drought but we can do many small things to change our habits; sound like a familiar idea? When it comes to our own limitations it is our ability to mindfully change our habits that leads to personal freedom. We may not be able to remove the limitation of our physical organization but we certainly can change how we relate to it by becoming more mindful and exploring that relationship with curiosity and openness.
Speaking of new beginnings: I have begun to offer public workshops based in the Feldenkrais Method and Mindfulness. It has been a pleasure for me to put together these two ways of thinking, to teach simple movement explorations and introduce the idea of mindfulness without being attached to any particular dogma. These workshops have been well received and I will be offering one or two more before the end of 2015. Be sure to check back here for information about upcoming workshops. Which brings me to another new beginning: I have begun work on updating and redesigning my website based on feedback received. I am excited to be working with a “design mentor” and hope the new site will be published in the next month or so. Another reason for you to check back!
And last but not least I do recommend you read Dr. Doidge’s new volume: The Brain’s Way of Healing (Viking, 432 pages). He writes about the neuroplasticity of the brain, how it heals itself with mindfulness practices and has 2 chapters devoted to the Feldenkrais ® Method and it’s ability to improve seemingly hopeless situations. His writing is very readable and quite informative about the current advances in “brain health”.
I hope you take advantage of this opportunity for new beginnings as well as take a fresh look at the familiar and known. I hope to see you in the near future either for a seasonal tune up in my office or in one of my upcoming workshops. Enjoy the Spring.
Namaste, Donna